Ad Blocker Detection
Since our website is free and relies on ad revenue, we attempt to detect users who have enabled ad blockers on their browser and prevent them from browsing the site while their ad blocker is enabled. They are shown the page shown below. Every once in a while we have a user claim they can't access the site due to ad blocker but don't believe their browser is at fault. This is always a problem on the user side, its not our issue. Please note that we have well over a hundred thousand users and we hear this complaint only a handful of times a year. The page that is shown to the user (below) provides all the necessary information needed for the user to correct the problem. All ad blockers have a way to disable ad blocking for specific websites. If this problem is happening to you and you cant figure out how to get your ad blocker disabled while on our site, worst case is you can pay to remove ads. The cost is only $4.50 for an entire year, we make very little by users removing ads and are not trying to trick you into paying us, we simply provide this as a service to those who want to use the site ad-free.
Ad Block warning page