Duplicate Account Problems

Duplicate Account Problems

On occasion, a player will create another account for the league they are in. There are typically two possible reasons they do this:
  1. They truly want separate accounts to make picks with. This is much less efficient than simply creating a clone and making picks under one account with the main "parent" player and any clones. 
  2. They could no longer login under their old account, and instead of correctly resolving this problem, they created another account. 
This article deals with reason #2, and how a manager can best resolve this. 

Manager Resolution

  1.  First decide which player of the duplicates makes sense as the one to keep. If the player has past history of making picks, that is the player to focus on. We'll designate this the Player To Use, and the rouge player the Player To Remove
  2. Find out from the player which email they want to use, let's say its joe@schmoe.com. 
  3. Go to Manager -> Full Control Panel, then click on Edit Player Profile

  4. On the Edit Player Profile page, select the Player To Use.
    1. If this player profile already has the desired email (e.g. joe@schmoe.com), then skip to step 5.
    2. If this player profile does NOT have the desired email, jot down the email, then rename this email to something temporary, like joe@temp.com. 
    3. Now go back to the Edit Profile page, and select Player To Remove. Presumably, this as the desired email. Set that email to the email that was used in the Player To Use profile that you should have jotted down. 
    4. Return to the Edit Player Profile page and select Player To Use. You should now be able to set the email to the player's desired email, e.g. joe@schmoe.com. If necessary, while on this page you can change the password and let the player know what it is. They are in this situation because they originally forgot their password. That issue in the future should be solved as described here
  5. Go to Manager -> Player Status page. 
  6. Set the Player To Remove to the Removed status.

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